Dr. Juan Antiga and Escobar



Dr. Juan Antiga and Escobar (1871-1939) is one of the most interesting personalities in the history of Cuban medicine, his extraordinary talent made exclaim  Doctor José A. Gonzalez Lanuza (1865-1917), our highest personality of the criminal law, which was the only genius that he had known in his life as rugged, adventurous truly original, leading to ask his friend and biographer, Dr. A Jose. Fernandez de Castro (1897-1951), whether it was true that the doctor Antiga had existed.

In this brief paper, which I have the great honor to present to you, I just want to give a rough idea of their culture encyclopedic, its passage through Mexico, a country that loved entrañablemente and his contact with the Mexican homeopathy, how deep footprints left in their scientific training, to turn it into our main figure of that branch of medicine.

Training encyclopedic of Dr. Juan Antiga Training encyclopedic of Dr. Juan Antiga

The doctor Antiga was born in the village of Mayajigua municipality of Yaguajay, current province of Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, on August 23, 1871, a family member extremely poor, but in a very remarkable intelligence since childhood, which 1882 () 1886 with a record so bright that the governor of the island, Don Emilio Callejas and Isasi (1830-1906), paid tuition at the School of Medicine of the Royal Literary and University of Havana.

After reviewing more than a thousand records of teachers great figures of Cuban culture, the historical record of such an institution of higher education, I can assure you that theirs is the most prominent. To a degree in medicine (1886-1892) in 25 subjects was outstanding in all, 24 prizes regular first class, and an honorable mention in that grade Extraordinary Prize. In the year of the doctorate in medicine (1892-1893) in 4 subjects achieved outstanding awards and regular first class and in all the Extraordinary Prize in degree.  After finishing his studies was considered the best graduate of record in all universities in the Kingdom of Spain. His godfather at the solemn inauguration was himself governor Callejas.  His record, too, is the most voluminous as contained therein, manuscripts, 27 of its 28 jobs prize.

Nearly two decades later he returned to his alma mater Habanera (1911) to conduct studies and graduate of Doctor of Civil Law and Notarial and Doctor in Public Law (1913). For this last grade presented an interesting thesis "The need to create a Cuban Ministry of Labor and Social Reforms", Imp.   The Score, Havana, 1913, which would take place after twenty-one years under his leadership in the government of his friend, Colonel of the Liberation Army and physician, Dr. Carlos Mendieta and Montefur (1873 -?).

He knew perfectly couple from the Latin, English and French, languages that later added the German, Russian and Chinese Cantonese. He studied music with Professor Antonio Comas, in Havana and came to dominate the cítara, old and rare instrument difficult to execute.  His passion for sports did practise lifetime exercises calistécnicos and fencing.  He was professional player base ball in Cuba, Mexico and the United States. He was also runner and practiced long jump. His extensive work for Latin American countries forced him to revalidate his doctorate in medicine in Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. His extensive work for Latin American countries forced him to revalidate his doctorate in medicine in Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. In the United States is a graduate of Doctor of Medicine at the Thompson Medical College of Denver, Colorado (1904); Masters in Homeopathic Therapy at the American Post Graduate School in Chicago, Illinois (1905); took a postgraduate course in the chromo therapy Clinic Doctor White in Los Angeles, California (1906), and he completed a doctorate in Naturopatía at the American School of Naturopathy in New York, where 36 subjects examined and graduated with honors all, rights and privileges "in 1921.

In his student days in anatomy and dissection at the University of Havana won by the opposition square Assistant Director Anatomical, which lasted until graduation. Once the title was appointed by contest Supernumerario Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, a position he resigned to accept the doctor of the ship "Barcelona" of the company that gave Spanish Transatlantic travel from Havana to New York City and Veracruz. Once the title was appointed by contest Supernumerario Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, a position he resigned to accept the doctor of the ship "Barcelona" of the company that gave Spanish Transatlantic travel from Havana to New York City and Veracruz. In the latter city met Jose Marti (1853-1895), whom he served as a secret messenger in their revolutionary activities. In the latter city met Jose Marti (1853-1895), whom he served as a secret messenger in their revolutionary activities.

In 1896 he was professor of pathology at the Free University of El Salvador. In Havana was part of the Retail Group, a leading association of young intellectuals, he was the older, which left deep imprint on the culture and the Cuban political life in the years of the 1920's.  Among the many positions he played we can not fail to mention those of Secretary of Labor, the first occupied it in Cuba, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Minister in Switzerland; Permanent Delegate to the League of Nations and the dying in Havana on 9 February 1939 of brain hemorrhage, was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Minister in France.

The doctor Antiga and homeopathy in Mexico The doctor Antiga and homeopathy in Mexico . For the first time installed a doctor in Old Mexico in January 1896, after having failed in its attempt to join the Liberation Army of Cuba in the issuance of Brigadier General Henry Collazo Tejeda (1848-1921), which sank in the cays of Florida

Legalizó his title of doctor in the Legación Spain in the capital of the Aztec April 14, 1896 which was endorsed by the Deputy Foreign Minister two days later. Legalizó his title of doctor in the Legación Spain in the capital of the Aztec April 14, 1896 which was endorsed by the Deputy Foreign Minister two days later. Not take to give to press his doctoral thesis in medicine, which had issued three years earlier ((). 1893, now has the title Study on Jequiriti, Mexico, 1896.

Starting in May of that year published numerous articles in the press for the annexation of Cuba to Mexico, but also gave the stamp something over sixty articles in favor of the independence of their homeland and developed an intense campaign to indoamericanista created great conflict with the Embassy of Spain. The Chancellor of the Republic Marshal Don Ignacio (1829-1910) gave Mexican citizenship and could then be appointed to the Superior Council of Health to study yellow fever and stationed in the town of Tapachula, Chiapas, where left shortly after to Guatemala.

In the capital of the Central American republic sister, he served as Attaché to the Legación Diplomatic Mexico, but for a short time, then went to the Republic of El Salvador where he obtained such a government commission to investigate the cause of yellow fever in the town of Atiquizaya.

Do not revert to the doctor Old Mexico until 1900 where immediately renewed his title of doctor at the National School of Medicine Alopática and comes into contact with the Mexican homeopathy.. A year after graduating from Homeópata Surgeon at the School of Medicine Homeopathic of Mexico City, which had been founded in 1896 1901 , which works.

In 1902 he published his booklet Some thoughts on homeopathy, Imp. In 1902 he published his booklet Some thoughts on homeopathy, Imp. E. Dublan, Mexico and the following year the Academy of Homeopathic Medicine Puebla gives the title of Professor of Homeopathic Medicine and was appointed professor of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics at the National School of Homeopathic Medicine of Mexico. To facilitate its work teacher gave its printing Bits of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics, Mexico, 1907. The Academy of Homeopathic Medicine of Mexico appointed him a Member of Honor in 1905.

In 1903 he founded and was director from 1908 until optional Clinic "San Rafael", the most important of his time in the capital. He also edited a newspaper and then a magazine.

The largest of its homeopathic literature in Mexico are his versions of the English Study he considered as important. Outside of this issue published the brochure discussed The failure of microbes, Imp. E. Rivera, Mexico, 1903, which came into being in the years after major magazine "America and Cuba" in Havana, which wrongly denied the theory of the origin of microbial diseases.  These ideas came from his days of managing a medical student at the University of Havana, as two of his works deal with the issue of prize, as entitled: "Is the microbe solely responsible for the pathogenesis of infectious diseases? , 1892, 25 pp and "All the microbes need oxygen to assimilate, grow and evolve," 1893, 36 pp.

In 1909, the year of his return to Cuba, published in Havana Homeopathy. Is homeopathy a truth that the discoveries of modern science confirm? In 1909, the year of his return to Cuba, published in Havana Homeopathy. Is homeopathy a truth that the discoveries of modern science confirm? And nearly a decade later gave the stamp History of Homeopathy in Mexico, Ed. And nearly a decade later gave the stamp History of Homeopathy in Mexico, Ed. Arts, Havana, 1918, which is its great tribute of thanks to medical science Mexican. Arts, Havana, 1918, which is its great tribute of thanks to medical science Mexican.

In life of Dr. Antiga his great friend and biographer,  Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez de Castro, published in three volumes its Political and Social Writings, workshops Espasa Calpe SA, Madrid, 1927.1930 and 1931, with the first two forewords itself Fernandez de Castro and the third great Cuban poet and essayist Dr. Juan Marinello Vidaurreta (1898-1977).  They collected 128 of his works and 63 letters of prominent intellectuals Cuban and Latin American views on the Old Doctor.

On March 6, 1908 widowed in Mexico City the prominent Cuban doctor and their four children-Mexican Maria de los Dolores, Savannah, and Juan Star-picked his mother and his two sisters who lived in Veracruz and returned permanently Cuba in January 1909.

I am convinced that out of our Apostle of Independence Jose Marti Perez, no Cuban assimilated so deeply Mexican culture as Dr. John Antiga and Escobar.

1939 Death Notice of Juan Antiga y Escobar


Read at VII National Congress of History and Philosophy of Medicine in Mexico. Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. October 30-November 2, 2002.

Bibliography Bibliography

  1. Aviles E. Ramirez Aviles E. Ramirez Dr. John Miracles Antiga. Dr. John Miracles Antiga. In: Fight Matamoros and E. In: Fight Matamoros and E. My two Masters (Masferrer-Old). Imp. My two Masters (Masferrer-Old). Imp. Fernand Sorlot, Paris, 1938: 9-15. Fernand Sorlot, Paris, 1938: 9-15.

  2. Fernandez de Castro JA nothing more than a man about John Antiga. Fernandez de Castro JA nothing more than a man about John Antiga. Imp. Molina and Cia. Molina and Cia. Havana, 1926. Havana, 1926.

  3. Fernandez de Castro JA. Fernandez de Castro JA. John Antiga, a citizen of the world. John Antiga, a citizen of the world. In: JA Fernandez de Castro. In: JA Fernandez de Castro. Barraca fair. Barraca Fair. Imp. Molina y Cia, 1933:169-173. Molina y Cia, 1933:169-173.

  4. J. Marinello Vidaurreta J. Marinello Vidaurreta few words. A Few Words. In: J. Antiga In: J. Antiga Political and Social Writings Volume III. Political and Social Writings Volume III. Workshops-Espasa Calpe SA, Madrid, 1931:5-9. Workshops-Espasa Calpe SA, Madrid, 1931:5-9.

  5. Martinez G. Marquez G. Martinez Marquez A gay life and restless. A gay life and restless. John Antiga. John Antiga. Bohemia Magazine. Bohemia Magazine. February 19, 1939. February 19, 1939.

  6.  Matamoros and Fight E. Matamoros and Fight E. My two Masters (Masferrer-Old). Imp. My two Masters (Masferrer-Old). Imp. Fernand Sorlot, Paris, 1938. Fernand Sorlot, Paris, 1938.

  7. Remos Rubio JJ. Remos Rubio JJ. Deslindes. Recalling John Antiga. Recalling John Antiga. Diario de la Marina. Diario de la Marina. February 12, 1949. February 12, 1949.

  8. Rodriguez Rivero L. Rodriguez Rivero L. Life unique physician and sociologist John Antiga and Escobar (1871-1939). Life unique physician and sociologist John Antiga and Escobar (1871-1939).  Finnish Estarcida, Havana, 1971. Finnish Estarcida, Havana, 1971.

  9. University of Havana. University of Havana. Historical Archives. Historical Archives. Exped. Est. Ant. 631.

  10. ___. Exped. Est. Mod. 702.

  11. ___. ___. Exped. Adm. 276.

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